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Lush greenery along a sheltered trail

Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve


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Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve is located on the western slopes of the Santa Cruz Mountains overlooking Half Moon Bay. The centerpiece of this 4,711-acre Preserve is Purisima Creek Canyon, with its towering redwoods, rushing creek, and understory of ferns, berries, and wildflowers. Magnificent views of the coast and Half Moon Bay are visible from the northern part of the preserve. Along the Purisima Creek Trail, visitors can see many cleared areas that were once the sites of sawmills in the early 1900s.

Bike and Equestrian Access Limited: Activities may not be designated on all trails within the Preserve — always refer to the map and trail signage for where the activity is permitted.

Additional Information

Good For
Mountain Biking
Horseback Riding
Rules & Regulations
No Dogs
No Illegal Substances
No E Bikes
Accessibility Description

Redwood Trail • 0.25 mi.: There are three accessible picnic tables located along this peaceful trail. Unpaved roadside parking area at trailhead.

Purisima Creek Trail • 1 mi.: This moderately accessible trail follows an old logging road along Purisima Creek. Please note there are short sections where the grade is 10-15% and the trail can be muddy after rain.

Visit the Easy Access Opportunities page for additional information.

  • Hours: Open half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset.
  • Dogs: Dogs are NOT allowed in this Preserve. For information on dog-friendly preserves visit the Dog Access page. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Midpen accommodates service dogs in Preserves wherever we allow public access.
  • Bicyclists: Bikes are allowed on designated trails in this Preserve. Helmets are required for all riders at all times. Please observe the 15-mph trail speed limit (5-mph when passing or approaching blind turns). For more information visit the Bicycle Access page.
  • Equestrians: Horses are allowed on designated trails in this Preserve. Helmets are recommended for all equestrians. For more information visit the Equestrian Access page.
  • Groups: For safety reasons, permits are required for all groups of 20 or more people.
  • Permits: A use permit is required for any activity or event which: may be attended by twenty (20) or more people; OR is advertised or noticed in any publication, poster, electronic posting or flyer; OR requests/requires a fee be paid for participation. Visit the Permit page for more information.
  • Fires: Fires are prohibited on preserves.
  • Smoking: Smoking is prohibited on preserves.
  • Weapons: Weapons of any kind are prohibited on preserves.
  • Plants and Animals: Please leave plants and animals undisturbed. This not only preserves the natural environment, but is also a safety precaution.
  • Water Areas: Swimming wading, or engaging in any water-contact activity in any water areas of the District is prohibited.


  • Get Directions
    2111.27 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    37.42974, -122.34253
  • Size
    2830.43 Acres