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Little Oaks Equestrian Park


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At Little Oaks Equestrian Park you'll find plenty of parking in the dirt lot. If you’ve got a horse, bring it too, since this is the City’s designated Equestrian park, complete with trailer parking and a practice ring. There are no restrooms at Little Oaks Park .One of the great things about Little Oaks Equestrian Park, is that it serves as the main staging area for many of the Olivenhain area trails. Directly from the park, you can jump on marked City trails in three different directions, so bring your hiking shoes, boots or bikes and do some exploring!

  • Park hours 5am - 10pm
  • Recreational Trail Head
  • Dirt Parking Lot with Room for Horse Trailers
  • Picnic Facilities
  • No Restrooms
  • Equestrian Facilities
  • Beer & Wine Allowed
  • Not Reservable

Additional Information

Horseback Riding
General Park Information

Park hours are 5am - 10pm unless stated otherwise. Beach parking and amenities hours are 5am - 10pm. Beach is closed 2am - 4am. Please no glass containers, polystyrene food containers or smoking allowed at City parks, beaches and trails. Dogs must be on a leash at all times unless otherwise noted.

All parks are available on a first come, first served basis. Special Event and Special Ceremony Permits are available for select locations (see specific site information below). More information on special permits is available on the Rentals and Reservations page. Please call (760) 633-2740 to check for availability.

City of Encinitas Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department

The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department isresponsible for a wide range of services for the City including recreationprograms, city-wide special events, park, beach and recreational trailmaintenance, management of open space, streetscape maintenance, animalservices, and oversight of the administration of the Encinitas Ranch GolfAuthority.

The Parks, Beaches and Trails Division is responsible for themaintenance and repair of all parks, beach and trail facilities, including 10miles of streetscapes, 82 acres of open space, 153 acres of both developed andundeveloped parks, 45 acres of beaches, and over 40 miles of trails. We hopethat you enjoy getting out and exploring Encinitas’ trails and beautiful openspaces.