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View from Blue Ridge Henry W. Coe State Park
Published on Mar 5, 2025 at 11:29 PM

Backpack at Henry W. Coe SP

Henry W. Coe State Park invites you to explore the second largest California State Park. The park is 87,003 acres, about 136 square miles of open space filled with tall ridges and deep canyons in the Diablo Range of mountains south east of the San Francisco Bay Area. You could find yourself atop a lofty ridge with views of the Sierra Nevada mountains, or deep in a canyon next to a small creek.

Each season at Coe offers a different experience. Spring is our most popular visitation time as the park hosts an impressive display of wildflowers and sloped meadows of green grass. Summer heat brings golden hills, dry creeks, and long days. Fall can bring yellows and gold leaves, migrating hawks, as well as the last heat of summer. Winter brings water back to the park with life giving rains, starting the wet season cycle.

No matter what time of year you decide to visit, you may see wildlife, flowers, and expansive views. The park hosts 7 different ecological plant communities including coastal influenced live oak forests, lush riparian habitats, and desert like chaparral plant communities.

Planning a backpacking trip at Coe can seem daunting, but most of the work has been done for you. Popular 1 or 2 night routes are available at Longer trips could take you into one of the largest State Park wilderness areas, the Orestimba Wilderness.

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