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La Cañada Flintridge Mayor's Hike


The City of La Cañada Flintridge’s trails offer opportunities for hikers, cyclists, and equestrians to increase their fitness, enjoy beautiful vistas, and engage with nature throughout the community.

In celebration of these important community resources, the City is hosting the annual Mayor’s Hike: Walker’s Walkabout. Residents are invited to join Mayor Teresa “Terry” Walker on Saturday, November 3, at 11am for a moderate loop originating at the Flintridge Riding Club, 4625 Oak Grove Drive. A reception will follow.

The hike will be:

From the Flintridge Riding Club, "Walker's Walkabout" will head south out the front gate to Foothill Blvd., at Foothill make a left heading east to upper Hahamongna. We will follow Hahamongna to Flint Canyon Trail. The route will take Flint Canyon Trail until the rest stop: A .12 acre parcel owned by the City that's located just east of 4220 Woodleigh Avenue. The hike will follow the same route in the reverse back up Gould Trail to the rear entrance of Flintridge Riding Club.