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green frog cartoon image

Frog Songs

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Did you know that there are frogs that chirp? Others can whistle, croak, ribbit, peep, cluck, bark and grunt. Spring is a great time to appreciate the chorus of frog sounds. Learn about Bloomington’s local frogs, and how their calls are as unique as the frogs themselves! Please be prepared for a short guided hike around the Griffy Wetland Trail.

For ALL ages. Children under 12 need to be accompanied by a registered adult.

In city fees $5. Out of city fees $6.

To make sure we prepare enough material for the program, we ask that all participants PLEASE REGISTER by March 1st. You can do so by following the link on this page or by calling the Parks & Rec Dept directly. Thank you!

Check out our website at for scheduling updates.

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