Join ODOT and City of Roseburg staff on a bike tour (10-15 miles) of the Roseburg region's paved trail system. Start at the County Fairgrounds and travel south to the Umpqua River and one of the coolest bike/ped bridges you’ve never heard of, then double back (full-disclosure, there’s a bit of a hill!) north and check out the path system that connects to and through Stewart and Gaddis Parks, and eventually to downtown. Stick around for a no-host lunch downtown and be back in time for the Summit kick off.
Learning outcomes: Explore a regional path system and discuss opportunities and challenges. See some unique connections, including non-traditional on-street bike/pedestrian facilities.
Participants responsible for bringing their own bikes. Registration required:
Jenna Marmon, Active Transportation Lead, ODOT Region 3
Chris Hunter, Area Manager, ODOT Region 3
Kris Ammerman, City of Roseburg Parks and Recreation
John Lazur, Associate Planner & Active Transportation Liaison, City of Roseburg