The Bronx River, the only freshwater river in New York City, offers a variety of recreational and cultural opportunities, passing directly through the New York Botanical gardens, the Bronx River Forest, cityscapes, and the Bronx Zoo, which gives paddlers an excellent view of the Bison enclosure. The watertrail offers abundant signage and ample access, with a total of nine launch sites along eight miles of trail. The trail is managed by New York City Parks and The Bronx River Alliance, which maintains a high-quality, bi-lingual website with interactive river and watershed information, including maps, a link to the Bronx River Management Plan, a full calendar of events which includes a river festival and flotilla, and many more visitor resources. The watertrail is suitable for those at novice to expert level. The trail attracts nearly 15,000 people to the river per year, many of whom have never experienced a watertrail before.