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George S. Mickelson Trail

Point of Interest 

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The George S. Mickelson Trail, in the heart of the beautiful Black Hills, was completed in September of 1998. Its gentle slopes and easy access allow people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the beauty of the Black Hills. Much of the trail passes through National Forest Land, but there are parts of the trail that pass through privately owned land, where the trail use is restricted to the trail only.

The trail is 109 miles long and contains more than 100 converted railroad bridges and 4 rock tunnels. The trail surface is primarily crushed limestone and gravel. There are 15 trailheads, all of which offer parking, self-sale trail pass stations, vault toilets, and tables.

A majority of the trail does not exceed a 4% grade, but parts of the trail are considered strenuous. Dumont is the highest point and the 19 mile stretch from Deadwood to Dumont is the longest incline.

Additional Information

National Recreation Trail Details

Length: 114 Miles
Loop Trail: No
Primary Trail Type: -
Additional Trail Types: -
Agency: State
Entry Fee: -
Fee Notes: -
Parking Fee: -
Permit Fee: -

Trail Use Notes:

Seasonal Use Notes:

Location: Black Hills of South Dakota
County: Lawrence, Pennington, Custer, Fa
State: SD
Townships: -

Driving Directions:

Average Grade: 2%
Maximum Grade: 4%
Elevation High: 6200 Feet
Elevation Low: 3490 Feet
Elevation Gain: -

Average Width: 96 Inches
Minimum Width: -
Primary Surface: Crushed rock, compacted
Additional Surfaces: Crushed Rock

Year Designated: 2004


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    1091.05 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    43.81929, -103.63960
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