Located on the east side of Hawaii Island. The Kapapala CGMA is a lease agreement with Kapapala Ranch the lessee of a 24,000+ acre state parcel from The State of Hawaii’s DLNR/ Land Division. The CGMA is located adjacent to Hawaii Volcano National Park and Kapapala Forest Reserve. The Ainapo Trail public access point is 14 miles from Volcano Village off Highway 11 at the 41.5-mile marker. Access is monitored throughout bird season with a staffed check station or a call-in gate combination. Being an active ranch, the area provides many four-wheel drive roads to travel around on in search of gamebirds just mind the livestock. Several Safety Zone exists in the ranch to keep cattle and Nene safe and are both posted and maybe viewed on maps. The Kapapala CGMA is currently for bird hunting only, the season extends from the first Saturday of November through the last weekend of January hunting days on weekends and State holidays. The Kapapala CGMA supports 6 species of game birds Erkel’s Francolin, Kaliji Pheasant, California Valley Quail, Barred dove, Lace-neck Dove and Wild turkey. Two additional species have been reared and released when available Ring Neck Pheasant, and Chukar partridge. The Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) currently manages 7 water units for game birds. DOFAW mows and mulches brush to improve habitat for game birds and hunter access and maintains an extensive predator control program.
HA PHA - Kapapala Check Station
Hunter Check-in Station in Kapāpala Cooperative Game Management Area
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Wildlife Watching