Go around the barriers along Nu`uanu Pali Dr. and walk across a flat clearing formerly used as a parking lot
Descend to Nu`uanu Stream through ironwood trees on the signed Judd Trail.
Cross the stream immediately upon reaching it. (Do not take the trail heading downstream along the near bank.)
On the far bank reach a signed junction in a bamboo grove. Continue straight on the wide trail heading away from the stream. (The trail on the right along the stream is the return leg of the Judd loop.)
Swing right and contour into and out of several small gullies through eucalyptus and Cook pines. Ignore side trails heading upslope or down to the stream.
Enter the Charles S. Judd Memorial Grove of Cook pines.
As the trail descends, bear left into a shallow gully and cross it.
Almost immediately reach a signed junction. Continue straight downhill on the Judd loop. (To the left is the Nu`uanu Trail, which climbs out of the valley to Pauoa Flats.)
Descend the ridge in a series of gentle switchbacks. Ignore a side trail on the left.
After emerging from the Cook pines, swing right and cross two gullies with tangled hau groves.
Contour well above Nu`uanu Stream along the edge of the pine grove.
Pass a small rusted stake on the left, and almost immediately reach an obscure junction. Continue straight on the Judd Trail. (To the left a makeshift trail descends to Jackass Ginger (Kahuailanawai) pool.)
Contour above the stream briefly and then descend to walk alongside it.
Pass a large banyan tree on the far bank and go through a bamboo grove.
Reach the initial junction and stream crossing.
Turn left, recross Nu`uanu Stream, and climb the far bank to the main road.