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Polihale Ridge Road

Trail in Pu‘u Ka Pele Forest Reserve

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This road provides access to Hunting Unit "A" and "J" and the Contour Road. It passes from Waimea Canyon State Park into Puʻu ka Pele Forest Reserve.

Additional Information

Allowed Access
Horseback Riding
Mountain Biking
Rifle Hunting
Road Biking
Rules & Regulations
Carry Out Trash
Dogs On Leash
Pack Out Dog Waste
Stay On Trail
Simple Trail Tips
  1. Stay on the trail 
  2. Check the weather 
  3. Watch the time 
  4. Avoid undue risk 
  5. Read all posted signs 
  6. Respect other trail users 
  7. Pack out at least what you pack in
Special Conditions

Suitable for hardy biking. The gate for vehicular traffic below the Contour Road is closed during non-hunting days. Caution should be used during weekends and state holidays when hunting activities are open. Non-hunters are advised to wear bright colored clothing and stay on established trails. This road may also be closed for HIGH FIRE DANGER. Do not use any trail or access road that is not delineated by name and color and that may also be displayed on these maps. The marked features are managed for public recreational use. Other trails or roads that branch off from the public features may be on private property, and are not managed for any public recreational use. Access is subject to adjacent landowner approval, and if used without authorization, you will be trespassing and possibly putting yourself at risk. Downloadable resources are provided below.


  • Bicycle
  • Equestrian
  • 4-wheel drive
  • Hiking
  • Hunting
  • Pedestrian


  • 4-Wheel Drive


  • Hunting Area

Mountain Bikers

Always yield to hikers. Do not slide around corners or slide down the trail. Careless mountain biking damages the trail and causes erosion. If accidents are reported or damage to the trail is extreme, the trail may be closed to mountain bikers. This trail is not an easy mountain bike trail.

Dog Owners

Hunting may be in progress on or near this hiking trail. Hunting dogs may be off-leash while engaged in the hunt. Hikers must keep their dogs leashed at all times and remove dog waste while on this trail.


Access this road via Highway 550 between mile markers 12 and 13. Turn at the Polihale State Park Picnic Area and stay on the unpaved road.