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Upper Loop Trail*

Trail in Weeks Forest

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Difficulty: Easy

Round-trip Distance: 2.00 miles

Trail Markings: Blue Rectangles

Trail Directions:

From the junction with the yellow-blazed Lower Loop in the northeast corner of the property, bear right along the Upper Loop marked with blue blazes.

The Narrow Path continues approximately 1/10 mile to another trail junction. Bear left at this junction to continue on the Narrow Path. (Bearing right will bring you to a stone wall and sign that signals the edge of the property. A large, multi-trunked, or coppiced, red oak tree is to the left of the path, evidence of logging on the site: the tree was cut down but the root system was left intact. The root system of the tree quickly responded to this by stump-sprouting, resulting in the coppiced tree.)

About a third of a mile west past the junction with the Woods Road trail, the terrain flattens, and the hemlock forest changes to a more open, sunny young beech forest. This whole area was logged between 15 and 20 years ago.

“Help us care for this property by following these guidelines during your visit:

  • This property is open dawn to dusk
  • Carry out all trash
  • Dogs must remain under control and owners must pack out all dog waste
  • No motorized wheeled vehicles
  • No camping
  • No campfires
  • Hunting and fishing are allowed

Leave natural and cultural features undisturbed”

Additional Information

Allowed Access
Bow Hunting
Cross Country Skiing
Dog Walking
Rifle Hunting
Wildlife Watching
Accessibility Description

This trail has uneven surfaces, possible hazards (i.e. downed trees or branches) and may be muddy at certain times of the year. Parking areas and pull offs are not typically plowed in winter months, and trails may be inaccessible due to lack of safe, off-road parking at this time of year.

The Forest Society welcomes all people to our forest reservations, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or age.


  • Get Directions
    1434.80 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    43.55785, -71.40472
  • Length
    1.51 Miles