Our Mission. To provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.

California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Information
Upcoming Events
45 Items

Interpretive Bird Walk
9:00am Pacific at Coe Ranch Entrance Visitor Center

Interpretive Bird Talk
7:00pm Pacific at Coe Ranch Entrance Visitor Center

Observatory Program - Evening
8:00pm Pacific at Observatory

Observatory Program - Solar
2:00pm Pacific at Observatory

Observatory Program - Evening
8:00pm Pacific at Observatory

Spring in Orestimba - Guided Backpacking Trip
8:00am Pacific at 37.040043, -121.309554

Living History Day
11:00am Pacific at San Juan Bautista State Historic Park

Interpretive Bird Walk
9:00am Pacific at Coe Ranch Entrance Visitor Center

Observatory Programs - Solar
2:00pm Pacific at Observatory

Interpretive Bird Talk
7:00pm Pacific at Coe Ranch Entrance Visitor Center

Observatory Program - Evening
8:00pm Pacific at Observatory

Backcountry Weekend
10:00pm Pacific at 37.039172, -121.310356

Observatory Program - Evening
8:00pm Pacific at Observatory

Living History Day
11:00am Pacific at San Juan Bautista State Historic Park

Observatory Program - Evening
8:30pm Pacific at Observatory

Coit Camp Campout
12:00pm Pacific at Coit Horse Camp

Observatory Program - Solar
2:00pm Pacific at Observatory

Observatory Program - Evening
8:30pm Pacific at Observatory

Living History Day
11:00am Pacific at San Juan Bautista State Historic Park

Observatory Program - Evening
8:30pm Pacific at Observatory
12 Items
Open & Upcoming Challenges
2 Items
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- .52 River Access Road
- 2-3
- 243 Fire Acess Road
- 3.5 Ramp
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- 92 Trail
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- Accessible Trail
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- Albee Campground-Bull Creek Trail South Connector
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- Alluvial Trail
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- American River Bike Path - Main Avenue Trail
- American River Bike Path Access
- American River Overlook Spur
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- Amphitheater Trail
- Amphitheater Trail
- Amphitheater Trail
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- Azalea Glen Loop Trail
- Azalea Glen Road
- Azalea Nature Trail
Points of Interest
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- 5 % parking lot RR
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- 510 Dutra - Bldg Historic Res
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- 60 KV Line Access Road
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- 654-A-1-17-0-001
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- 675 14th Ave - Parking 422-1
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- 7th Ave and Reservoir Rd
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- 8 Compost Toilets
- 8 Foot Concrete Sea Wall
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