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Nevada State Parks Logo

Nevada State Parks


A State Park for Every Adventure!

The Nevada Division of State Parks was founded when, during the 1963 session of the Nevada Legislature, a bill was passed to form a new state park agency within the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). From that time forward the park administrator has been appointed by, and reports to, the DCNR Director. Today the Division manages and maintains 27 parks within the Nevada State Parks system. The Division is headquartered in Carson City and there are currently three management regions statewide: the Western Region (Fallon Office), Eastern Region (Panaca office) and the Southern Region (Las Vegas Office).


  • To manage, protect, operate and maintain existing and future units of the Nevada State Park system.
  • To acquire, plan for and develop a well-balanced system of areas of outstanding scenic, recreational, scientific and historical importance.
  • To interpret and provide education on the natural, cultural and recreational resources found within the State Park system.
  • To provide recreational and cultural destinations that are of economic benefit to nearby communities.

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